Wednesday, April 10, 2013

"...Everything is okay and things will get better!"

Sent: Wednesday, April 10, 2013 10:36 AM
Subject: Great Weekend!

Hello wonderful family and friends! I sure hope life is going as great for you all as it is for me right now! The past four days have been absolutely hectic and made me realize how blessed we are to be alive in this world with a loving Heavenly Father looking out for us above!

To start off, I almost died Friday night as we were out teaching a solid investigator about an hour from our house and I started having trouble breathing. I left my inhaler at the apartment and I didn’t want to leave this lesson early and mess up the day, so I pushed through it and endured the pain. It took forever for a bus to pick us up and get home; all the while I was breathing less than is probably humanly possible.

We got home and I used my inhaler and felt better, so we went back out and taught another one of our way solid investigators. (I’m willing to give my life for this work, in case you haven’t figured that out yet).

So I couldn’t really sleep that night because I exhausted the power of my lungs, and the next morning we went to the hospital to get a breathing treatment. We waited FOREVER to get in because they have socialized healthcare here and everyone was getting treated for free... VOTE AGAINST OBAMACARE! I promise it’s not worth what they say it is...

Anyway, to make a long story short, I missed a couple General Conference sessions because I was in and out of the hospital getting treated and having medicine prescribed for me. So I am extremely thankful for what I have in this life! You should be too!

On Monday, we went to the airport in Rio to get our Visas taken care of and now we have identities in Brazil, so that’s good.

Tuesday we had our first four weeks training with the assistants and president Lima and that was amazing! We learned a ton about how we can improve our teaching and it really calmed me down. I have thought for the past four weeks that I was the most worthless missionary ever because I cant speak or understand the language, but being with the other Americans and seeing that they’re at the same spot as I am helped me realize that everything is okay and things will get better!

We didn’t really have much of a busy week with lessons because of conference and everything, but I want to share my testimony with you all that I know this gospel is true. It blesses people’s lives! I know the Atonement of Jesus Christ helps us physically and spiritually. I testify that He does love us and wants us to be happy 100% of the time! But in order to do that, we must be wiling to keep the commandments He established for us. They set us free from the pain and suffering we experience when we sin and we are so much happier when we are obedient! Remember, wickedness NEVER was happiness!

Keep being awesome people and share the love with everyone you know! Read your scriptures and seek the guidance of the Lord in all that you do! I love you all more than you could ever possible know!


Elder LeSueur


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